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The Importance of Proper Denture Cleansing

August 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — allhappysmiles @ 1:13 pm
A woman brushing her dentures with a toothbrush.

For centuries, mankind has been using prosthetics to replace missing teeth and restore the ability to speak and chew properly. In fact, the earliest known form dates to approximately 700 BCE when the Etruscans fashioned rudimentary dentures of human and animal teeth strung together with gold wires. Thankfully, today’s dentures are much more sanitary and efficient than those early devices, however despite their improvements, they still require a bit of effort to maintain.

One common line of questioning many dentists get asked about is how to properly clean dentures. Some patients believe that because they are not real, they don’t require the same level of care as natural teeth, but this is not true. Here’s why even though they’re prosthetic, you still need to stay on top of your denture care.

Brushing Your Dentures

Brushing your dentures is an essential step in keeping them clean, stain free, and odor free. They should be brushed at least once a day with a special cleansing paste designed specifically for dentures and rinsed well after. They should be removed from your mouth to be cleaned properly so that you are able to reach all sides of the prosthetic, including the teeth, gums, and the inside surface that directly touches your natural gums. While it is okay to keep your dentures in for a quick brush as needed, you should still remove them for a more thorough cleaning daily.

Flossing Your Dentures

Another important step in caring for your dentures is flossing them. You should do this at the same time as you brush them and be sure to clean between each tooth. You can also floss with them still in your mouth as needed, but this should not replace their daily routine.

Soaking Your Dentures

Keeping your dentures hydrated is crucial for preventing them from drying out. If they do not remain moist, they can become warped and need a reline, or in some cases they can even become irreparably cracked and will need to be replaced entirely. Thus, it is vitally important that you remove your dentures each night before bed and keep them soaking in either water or denture soak until you are ready to wear them again.

Remember, while it’s fine to leave your dentures in your mouth while brushing between meals or for quick touch-ups, it is important to remove them for a more detailed cleaning at least once a day. This will help keep them clean, odor-free, and prevent them from developing stains or becoming discolored.

About Dr. Ponnaganti

Dr. Mamata Ponnaganti enjoys working with patients of all ages to improve their oral health. To her, seeing a beautiful, healthy smile at the end of treatment is one of the most rewarding perks of her job. She is well versed in many facets of dentistry, including laser dentistry and dental implants, and she is an active member of many prestigious dental organizations such as the American Dental Association, Florida Dental Association, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the Academy of General Dentistry.

To schedule an appointment for dentures at Happy Smiles, please visit our website or call us today at 813-818-4520.

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